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Messina: Picking a Good Criminal Defense Attorney

Toni Messina has written a great article on different factors that go into selecting a good criminal defense attorney. While this article offers great advice to people who are seeking attorneys, it is even better advice for criminal defense attorneys who need to market themselves to get those clients.

Even though the internet can be a great place to get information on potential attorneys, Messina points out that word of mouth is still a big factor when deciding who to hire. A recommendation coming from a friend carries more weight than a Google review. A law firm study from 2015 found that "relationships" was the number one factor in deciding who to hire, beating out "web."

But the internet is still a great resource and can help get your name in front of many clients. In today's world, it is expected that attorneys should have professional and functioning websites. What should be on an attorney's website? Messina says that "the best attorneys should have a decent web site that includes accomplishments, client reviews, important cases, and easy-access contact information. I’d look for how long this attorney has been practicing criminal law.  How many trials have they handled?  Did they come from a prosecutor or public defender background?"

But what is the biggest factor Messina says should go into picking an attorney? Common sense.

Check out her entire article for more advice she gives to potential clients.

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